PES 2020 Gameplay Mod NEW-LITE by Gabe.Paul.Logan

PES 2020 Gameplay Mod NEW-LITE by Gabe.Paul.Logan

PES 2020 Gameplay Mod NEW-LITE by Gabe.Paul.Logan

New gameplay mod via dt18_all.cpk for eFootball PES 2020 PC Version. Gameplay is made by Gabe.Paul.Logan.

- Players are more responsive (stop and start animations quicker thus you can dribble quicker)
- The ball is a bit more bouncy during dry pitch conditions (tried to get more variety and to have more time in trapping the ball)
- The ball does not drag during wet pitch conditions anymore, has the same ball speed as during dry pitch conditions (i just hated that, personal preference)
- Ballphysics altered a bit to have more misspasses and misskicks and to counter the quicker pace and not to have a lot of goals due to laser guided passing and shooting (bit more elevation and spin, usually noticed when a misspass, misskick would occur or during long shots, long passes)
- Shot speed is tweaked just a bit, there is bigger gap between the players with the highest and lowest kick power
- GKs are tweaked, less superhuman also they rather punch strong balls instead catching them awkwardly
- More sensitive collision system
- The animation of tackling speed and sliding speed has been toned down (to draw more potentional fouls)
- Defensive line moved up on the pitch in general to have less space on midfield, also in the meantime to have more counter attacks


How to Use :

1. Install Sider 6

2. Extract file with WinRAR, copy gameplay folder into your livecpk folder

3. Add this line into your sider.ini

cpk.root = ".\livecpk\gameplaylite"

4. Save it and done.

5. Run the game via Sider.exe

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